United Way of Kershaw County

Annual Campaign, United We Rise, Feeling The Love

A group of elderly people are standing together, posing for a photo while wearing colorful outfits. In the background, there are many pictures displaying various items.
Lori Arledge and three other individuals are pictured holding a check intended for United Way. The photo was taken in front of a school basketball gym that features a logo with an eagle in red and blue.
A young girl in a bright pink shirt with black hair is pouring a bucket of water on a man's head. The man is wearing a green poncho, and the bucket is orange. They are in a school gym for a fundraiser.

Second Look Charities Boutique and Kershaw County Schools Making A Difference

Thank you Second Look Charities Boutique! “Thanks to all the wonderful shoppers and donations, we were able to give a generous gift of $20,000 to United Way of Kershaw County.” Your generous gift will make a difference in so many lives. United We Rise.

Talk about school spirit! Camden Middle School students presented United Way of Kershaw County with a generous donation of $1,700 from the October penny war. Top donors from each grade and two students from the winning home room slimed Principal Casey Faulkenberry at their PEP rally. Pictured is Kimberly Reynolds, 8th grade, doing the honors. Thank you War Eagles!