What We Do
Financial Stability
Vehicle Access Network (VAN):
Vehicle Access Network (VAN) provides door to door no cost transportation for residents to access health, food, social service, employment and education related needs, through our partnership with SWRTA Santee Wateree Regional Transportation Authority, One Carolina Transit and Double R Transportation 1 LLC. There are a total of 20 vans dedicated to Kershaw County.
VAN has provided 200,000 miles, 6,646 rides, (and counting), 912 rides getting people to work.
New Day Transitional Housing and Homeless Service:
New Day Transitional Housing and Homeless Services is working towards eliminating homelessness by addressing the needs of our community’s homeless population. New Day’s mission is to “Fill gaps in homeless housing and services as we identify them by working in harmony with community agencies, local, state and federal government, churches, individuals and other ministries.”
New Day has served 300 families, providing rental assistance, deposits, and emergency shelter. There are three New Day cottage locations, one for women/women with children, one for men, and one for families or women. While living in a New Day cottage, clients receive case management to overcome obstacles that led them to become homeless. The goal of all our transitional homes is for the client to graduate into permanent housing. We have a 93% success rate for clients becoming permanently housed when exiting New Day.
Youth Homelessness Demonstration Program
YHDP is a new program for homeless youth ages 17-24. We are currently serving 9 youth offering life skills and housing to equip these young adults to be self-sufficient.
Homeless Outreach
Homeless Outreach has assisted over 26 people with a stable recovery from drugs and alcohol.
Fresh Start Mobile Shower & Laundry:
Fresh Start Mobile Shower & Laundry allows us to help those who have no means of showering or washing their clothes, leaving them feeling more confident and dignified. Fresh Start allows our Outreach to meet new people and provide clothes, food and conversation to those in need.
Fresh Start is available Monday through Thursday in the parking lot of United Way of Kershaw County, 3 showers and 1 laundry station, with a schedule for Friday locations.