All United Ways in the USA must be tax-exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code as well as corresponding provisions of other applicable state, local or foreign laws or regulations.
United Ways are governed by active, responsible, and voluntary governing boards to ensure effective governance over the policies and financial resources of the organization. These boards are responsible for United Ways delivering on their mission to advance the common good.
All United Ways follow locally adopted codes of ethics for volunteers and staff that include provisions for ethical management, publicity, fundraising practices and full and fair disclosure.
United Ways have adopted policies/statements to ensure volunteers and staff broadly reflect the diversity of the community served. By July 2021, all United Ways will adopt and publicly post their position opposing racial/ethnic discrimination and other forms of oppression. They will provide their board members and staff with annual racial equity training, and use race equity as one criteria to be considered in making community investments.
United Ways undergo annual financial audits conducted by independent certified public accountants whose examination complies with generally accepted auditing standards. In addition, United Ways have developed comprehensive requirements for completion of audited financial statements to ensure consistency and transparency system-wide. These requirements are based on industry best practices and comport with generally accepted accounting principles. Smaller United Ways (with less than $500,000 in annual revenue) may undergo an independent financial review.
Every three years, United Ways conduct self-assessments of their governance, financial management and impact in the community.
United Ways in the USA must file the IRS Form 990 in a timely manner and will provide the IRS Form 990 on their website, at their offices, or upon request.
United Ways comply with all applicable local, state and federal operating and reporting requirements.
The Department of Labor cites in the Title VI, Civil Rights Act of 1964, “no person in the United States, shall, on the ground of race, color, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance”.
Kershaw County United Way is committed to complying with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act. We will investigate allegations of discrimination basis of a protected class including race, color or national origin.
To issue a Title VI complaint, please download and complete the form below and return to Molly Kornegay, COO of UKWC at
United Way of Kershaw County Donor Privacy Policy
Updated June 2021
The United Way of Kershaw County respects the privacy of donors and safeguards the confidentiality of information that the donor would reasonably expect to be private. Information learned by any representative of United Way of Kershaw County about a donor or a donor’s assets, or philanthropic intentions shall be held in strict confidence by the staff, Campaign Committee, committees and the Board.
Donors who reach special recognition levels may be acknowledged and published in various UWKC publications and campaign materials. Donors at recognition levels may request to remain anonymous in these publications by indicating their wishes on their pledge card or by contacting United Way of Kershaw County. UWKC will honor requests by donors to remain anonymous.
United Way of Kershaw County does not sell, rent, or exchange its mailing lists of donors, prospective donors, interested parties, etc. UWKC will honor requests by donors to remain anonymous, have their names removed from mailing lists, or to restrict appeals. Information about donors, amounts of their gifts, and other information that should be private will not be made public.
United Way of Kershaw County
PO Box 737
Camden, SC 29020-0737
Phone: (803) 432-0951
Fax: (803) 425-4616
EIN: 57-0717334
Organization Number: 43080